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Say Yes To Sparocks.


Okay, so most of us were dead, and the few survivors were, like, really tired and dirty, like, all the time. So we had, like, all these rocks everywhere and, like, moving them just made us, like, tireder and dirtier. Seriously! I was, like, literally so sad and depressed I had, like, survived. Then it hit me, literally. Big bump on my, like, head. The radiatation from the spacerocks which were, like, everywhere was warm and fuzzy. So we, like, started a spa with spacerocks. TA-DA! Sparocks were, like, born


Binding together parts and part like products.


Nutz2U is a hi-profit organization based in a Texas bayou. The dream is to bring two different parts or part-like things together to keep them from falling apart too fast. Our team has the privilege to work alongside some of Texas's most talented artists and art-shaped persons. The result: we are still here and haven't even been convicted.

Stop consulting yourself! Consult us. We got the nuts to fight the rocks!

Also, we specialize in Artificial Intelligence. Why wait for the real thing?



Krypto-Toroidal Artificial Neural Network

After that whole Sparocks fiasco... Well, we knew we had to work hard to make money. Pillaging and looting just weren't enough anymore. KTANN was created to be our slave using a combination of Artificial Intelligence; Crypto-Morpho-Quasi-Hyper-Subspace Technology; and a Commodore VIC-20. Who's your techno daddy? Say it! RBR Rocks!!


Say No To Spacerocks.

When the end of the world was nigh, we were a little intimidated. Seriously, what's a nigh? But after 99.9% of the human population was wiped out we knew it was time to step up and save the world. We put our nuts on hold and focused on creating the meanest rock-blowiing-up thing we could. Consulting with the last living humans who luckily were a chaingang from Texas, we realized that blowing up rocks may not work but breaking big rocks into smaller rocks will. We ROCKED those spacerocks (in space).

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